Monday, November 28, 2011

It is fixed! ... I think

Well if you happened to access my website about five minutes before this post was made, then you would have  loaded my actual website.

Well that's because the main problem has been fixed.

However, I am put the redirection back in while I do a double check to make sure the website works and is SAFE.

So I'll probably have it up Tomorrow/Wednesday.

Well while we wait...

So Today and Tomorrow I'll be working my butt off cleaning each website.

So while we all wait for it to come up, feel free to check out my youtube channel which HASN'T been destroyed or anything. Comment on some stuff. Rate my videos. Let me know what you think!

And... let me know if there are any known security holes in any of my scripts... like... once they are fixed. haha

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What the HECK happened?

For those wondering, this temp blog is the result of an unexpected event... basically my website has been hacked. Well, sort of.

You see, I have installed a photo gallery setup so that you can view the photos I take. It seemed to work well. Sometimes whenever I'd log into my host to edit my website it would let me know about updates. I tend to ignore them and wait until the weekend to update. Bad mistake.

Turns out that one of the updates was going to fix a security hole in the photo gallery setup. And of course someone decided it would be a brilliant idea to take advantage of it and install code... bad code of course, that could spread out and do bad things to websites.

So what ended up happening was the bad code attacked my photo gallery and then made it's way through EVERY file on my HOST. Not just website, but every other website I host has this code. The code does two things it seems, one is to multiply obviously, and the other is to redirect the website to a page that has viruses and other bad stuff.

So needless to say, I have created this blog in hopes that everyone who visits my website will come here for the week or so while I work my butt off and fix the website.

I do apologize everyone, even though I don't know why I'm apologizing. But anyway, enjoy this blog for the week, haha. :P admin, Rober.t